Product Test Results (ROSENHEIM and FTI REPORTS)


     According to "EN 14351 Windows and doors - Product standard, performance characteristics" and "TS EN 13830 Curtain walling - Product standard" resistance to wind load, watertightness and air permeability tests are conducted. Test results show performance classes. Therefore these results should be interpreted by learning the meaning of the classes. In other words, having these reports doesn't say anything about the sufficiency of the results. Please read the remarks below;
     For Doors and Windows;
     Air permeability test classes are 1,2,3 and the best one "Class 4". Per unit joint length, 2.5 m³/hm airflow or less and per unit overall area, 10 m³/hm² airflow or less is allowed at 600 Pa to be classified as "Class 4". (TS EN 12207)
     Resistance to wind load test is conducted to wear the specimen before a repeated air permeability test and watertightness test. Test classes are named C3/B3(if P1 is 1200Pa), C4/B4(if P1 is 1600Pa) and C5/B5(if P1 is 2000 PA). P1 is the pressure, to which the specimen is exposed 50 times. After the watertightness test, (P1x1.5)Pa safety pressure is applied to the specimen. (TS EN 12210)
      Watertightness test is conducted as follows; Spraying of a specified quantity of water onto the external surface of the test specimen is applied first with the test pressure of 0Pa for 15 min then with the test pressure increasing every 5 min. Overall duration is dependent on the watertightness of the test specimen. The test pressure shall be applied in steps of 50Pa up to 300Pa and from 300Pa in steps of 150Pa. Pressure at which no water penetrated the specimen, is reported. However, watertightness class of the specimen is the last pressure step, in which throughout 5 minutes no penetration is observed. If the water penetrates the specimen at the pressure step 300Pa, than the class of watertightness is 4A(150Pa). If no water penetrates at the pressure 600Pa, specimen's class is 9A(600Pa). Above 600Pa, classes are named E750, E900, E1050... (TS EN 12208) Watertightness class of a specimen can not be higher than the class of resistance to wind load test.

     To get information about Facade Test Classifications (EN 13830) click here.

Window System Tests Video

Curtain Wall System Tests Video

07.04.2011 W75 Euro Comfort Door-Window System (EN 1026, EN 1027, EN 12211, EN 12046-1, EN 14609, EN 12207, EN 12208, EN 12210)
CLASSES: Resistance to wind load: C5/B5     Watertightness: 1800 PA     Air permeability: 4
Numune, 1000 PA negatif ve pozitif basınçlara ard arda 50 defa maruz bırakıldıktan sonra yapılan su geçirimsizlik testinde 1800 PA'da su almamıştır. Hava geçirgenliği, standardın izin verdiği max değerlerin %15'ini geçmemiştir.
07.04.2011 S65 GENCER Door-Window System (EN 1026, EN 1027, EN 12211, EN 12046-1, EN 14609, EN 12207, EN 12208, EN 12210)
CLASSES:   Resistance to wind load: C4/B4     Watertightness: 1500 PA     Air permeability: 4
Specimen doesn't tested for pressure classes over 1600 PA Numune su almamıştır. Hava geçirgenliği, standardın izin verdiği max değerlerin %15'ini geçmemiştir.
07.03.2011 W65 Euro Comfort Door-Window System (EN 1026, EN 1027, EN 12211, EN 12046-1, EN 14609, EN 12207, EN 12208, EN 12210)
CLASSES:   Resistance to wind load: C4/B4     Watertightness: 1500 PA     Air permeability: 4
Numunenin rüzgar yüküne dayanım testi 1600 PA'da yapıldığından su geçirimsizliği, 1950 PA basınç altında su almamasına karşın <1600 PA(rüzgar yüküne dayanım sınıfının altında) raporlanmıştır. Hava geçirgenliği, standardın izin verdiği max değerlerin %15'ini geçmemiştir.
16.06.2010 F50 Facade Systems (EN 12152, EN 12154, EN 13116, EN 12207, EN 1026, EN 12153, EN 12155, EN 12179)
CLASSES:   Resistance to wind load: AE 1050     Watertightness: 1050 PA     Air permeability: OK
Alüminyum giydirme cephe sistemlerimizin, Curtain walling - Product standard TS EN 13830 gereğince yerine getirilen testlerinde 1050 PA hava geçirimsizlik ve su sızdırmazlık performansları elde edilmiş ve 200kg/m² rüzgar basıncında yeterliliği belgelenmiştir.